Jim Morrison, the lead singer of The legendary Doors, became the first rock artist ever to be arrested on stage during a concert performance. He was known for his ”sticking it to the man” expressions, but this time, during the New Haven show in 1967, the man stuck it to him.
Reportedly, Morrison had been making out with a girl in the backstage, in a bathroom shower stall, before the concert, when a police officer happened upon them. Apparently, unaware that he was the lead singer of the band about to perform, the officer told Morrison and the girl to ”Beat it”, to which Morrison said, “Eat it.” The policeman took out a can of mace (protection spray) and warned Morrison, “Last chance”, to which Morrison replied, “Last chance to eat it.”
Jim earned himself some Mace in the face which caused the show to be delayed because he needed to recover. The officer apologized for the incident, admitting he hadn’t recognized Morrison, after the Doors manager told him he had just Maced the lead singer of the very band he had been hired to protect.
Keyboardist Ray Manzarek was enraged by the officers reaction and in an interview, long after the incident, he said: “Okay — if you’re famous, you don’t get Maced but if you’re just a kid making out, then you’re gonna get it. So it was like, ‘Hold it, man, it doesn’t work that way.”
During the song ,,Back Door Man” Morrison recounted the experience to the audience in a profanity-laced rant. He taunted the police from the stage, calling the officer who had hassled him a “little blue man in a little blue hat,” as well as a “little blue pig.”
He added, “I’m just like you guys, man, he did it to me, they’ll do it to you.” The cops responded by entering the stage and bringing the show to a stop. They took the singer into custody, causing a mini-riot as the angry and disappointed crowd took to the streets of New Haven. Morrison was charged with inciting a riot, indecency and public obscenity, but the charges were later dropped.
Napisao: Marko Duvnjak